Monday, July 23, 2012

Much Success!!

So, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we had much success! This success came from an unwritten compromise my companion and I seem to have made. He likes visiting members, I just want to invite people to come to Christ, so every time we knock on a member's door during the day, we will go knock on two other random doors or talk to people on the street (Which we usually do anyway.) And for some reason, God saw fit to give us wonderful success doing this the past few days! I stress a lot about filling our days. I would be more than happy to spend entire days tracting, talking to people, etc if no appointments are scheduled, but alas, not all share in this. So it is a cause of extreme stress when I cannot schedule appointments for us constantly. So, during those 3 days, I could not get us any appointments, and if I did they cancelled. I prayed hard that our steps would be guided and we would end up exactly where we needed to be at just the right moment- AND WE WERE! I can't even name all the miracles which came from those 3 days of coolness!
The first random door we knocked on, the guy let us in and agreed to have us back to teach him about the Book of Mormon! A few minutes later we ended up asking a part-member teenage girl if she would be interested in learning more about the Church. She said that this is something she has been thinking about lately and talking to her family about. She agreed to have us back to teach her and gave us her contact information.
Later, in the night we went to do Power Hour and contacted a less-active who is having a baby soon and agreed to have us back over as well. After Power Hour, we went to an appointment which wasn't home. Having to come up with effective things to do on the spot by myself when things fall through is also another point of extreme stress for me. But for whatever reason we ended up at the home of a prospective elder a few blocks away. He had a feeling we were coming and we invited him to come out with us for the rest of the night. As we were walking to a member's home, we passed by a house a less-active, part-member family and decided to stop by. The wife, who is not a member of our Church answered the door but had a sinus infection- so we offered her a blessing and she accepted! We were able to give her a wonderful blessing and explain about the Priesthood! She agreed to have us back as well.
After that experience, the prospective Elder commented on how he wanted to get worthy so he could give his first blessing. We had a great experience with him talking all about it for the rest of the night. We talked to people on the street and met 3 new potential investigators! This prospective Elder even chimed in with his testimony and wanted to try a couple approaches. It was so cool!
That is just one example of that happening. There were two more days of this! Although we didn't have incredible numbers to report at the end of the week, I feel that we had more success and had more of the Spirit during those three days alone than in entire weeks combined in which we may have reported more impressive statistics. I loved it!
The two baptisms on Saturday were AMAZING! It was a profound spiritual experience! Things worked out just how they needed to, and that is the best!
Thank you all for the e-mails, support, encouragement, and love! It is much needed!
                                                                                          -Elder Ryan A. Bell

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