Monday, February 20, 2012

Baptisms!!! and Peanut Butter

I have much to report this week. Much more than I could ever have the time to write. I committed someone to be baptized for the 1st time this week and she said YES! My companionship so far will be baptizing two beautiful, awesome people on March 3rd. Think how important this is- THESE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN!!!! They heard the truth and they are taking the steps to be happy for eternity. ETERNITY!!! Powers, dominions, worlds without end, etc. They are taking upon them the sacred and first covenants to receiving the fulness. Man, it is awesome. Like I told Jordan earlier (Again, nobody likes you) I am beginning to catch the true vision of missionary work. I am beginning to feel the real joy that so many of the greatest missionaries in all of scripture described feeling. It is AWESOME!!! One of the coolest things is seeing the change that takes place in these people's lives. You can literally see it in their eyes! They go from curiously searching the message to knowing it is true for themselves, gaining a testimony, and WANTING to make covenants, please God, and share this happiness with others. One of the awesome people who is being baptized on March 3rd came to Stake Conference and heard about Preach My Gospel. Then she asked us how to get one. Holy CRAP!!!
One of our other awesome investigator's is really into Preparedness. He is a really "Get it done" kinda guy, very intelligent. He organized a ward trip to the cannery and ordered a semi-truck. He invited the entire ward and many of his non-member friends to come. Elder Petersen and I got permission to go and it rocked! I bought a can of refried beans and got some fresh peanut butter from the peanut butter factory next door. (I got a bottle that I will send home and see if I can get a jar for Jordan too. Craw!) It is super good. Different, but good. 
I swear I had more interesting stories to tell. I am racing way more than usual today to get these e-mails out, I apologize. I have experienced much wonderful spiritual growth and have had some fantastic experiences the past few days. I have been led by the spirit in ways that I never have before, I have seen much good come here, and love you all...... just so much right now. (That last part was a joke, don't flatter yourselves.)
This computer isn't letting me send the pictures I took this week for all of you which sucks. I took some dang good ones! One of the pictures is of a cupcake. There is a place a few blocks away from where I live called "Ooh La La" Dessert Boutique. One of those fancy, expensive cupcake places. It's like $3 for a cupcake, but they are BIG AND DELICIOUS!!!! So definitely go to this place when you come here, Dad. Feel free to get me a gift card here too. I am surrounded by good restaurants. There is a Five Guys Burgers and Fries a 5 minute walk away (Not as good as In N' Out) but I love this one. I want to eat there all the time, there is a Jimmy John's (They actually deliver to my apartment), and Texas Roadhouse. Sweet stuff! If you are going to get my gift cards, get Five Guys, Ritter's, and Ooh La La. There is also a place called Pantera Bread which I heard was good but have never actually been there yet. It is also a very short walk away. My gosh, I've spent a lot of time talking about food. GIFT CARDS!!!! FOOD!!!!
Thank you all so much for your e-mails and letters, I have enjoyed them so much!!!
        -Elder Bell (The cool one)

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